Импорт из SHP

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Импорт из SHP
Из Казани Вас беспокоят.Водоканал.
Подскажите пож-та при импорте из SHP выдаёт "Не удалось обновить данные. Table is full."
Объём 90Мб. Импортирую весь город.
Добрый день.
Как я понял, нужно в BDE Administrator для Configuration->Drivers->Native->Paradox увеличить Block Size

"Table is Full" ($2507)
Problem: A table has exceeded one of the internal BDE or Paradox file limits.
Solution: You have probably hit the limit on the number of blocks that a Paradox table can contain (65535 blocks). In order to store additional records in the file, you'll need to increase the table's block size to allow each block to hold more records. Read this Borland Technical Information Document for more information about this error, its causes, and solutions. To read more about the limitations of Paradox files and the BDE, see Borland Technical Information Document TII59B
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